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For electronic evidence


Comfact Timestamp has been developed for use by our other services, such as Signature and Seal. As timestamps can be used in different situations, we also offer this service separately
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  • Fully compliant with the IETF RFC 3161 specifications, as profiled in ETSI EN 319 422
  • Aligned with standard policy and security requirements, such as those defined in ETSI EN 319 421
  • Designed to meet the timestamp requirements for long-term validity, such as those defined in ETSI EN 319 122
  • Secured by RSA-2048 certificates and supports SHA256, SHA384, and SHA512 hash algorithms
  • Protected within FIPS 140-2 level 3 HSMs


  • Independently audited and highly accurate date and time sources
  • Provides verifiable, independent proof of documents and data’s time and integrity
  • Only the hash value or "fingerprint" of the data is communicated
  • All cryptographic operations and keys are handled in a Hardware Security Module (HSM)
  • The pay-as-you-go feature allows you to use Comfact Timestamp when you need it


A timestamp is requested from a server or computer to Comfact timestamp for a document or data. Comfact Timestamp in turn, creates a timestamp using an HSM (Hardware Security Module). A secure time source and policy governs how the timestamp is created. Finally, the timestamp is sent back to the server / computer that requested the timestamp.
Comfact timestamp diagram
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Improve your legal standing
As a timestamp proves that data existed at a certain time it improves your legal standing  
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Efficient document handling
As more documents can be handled electronically, supported by timestamps, your document handling can be more efficient
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General data protection regulation
Integrating Comfact Timestamp with your business applications can improve your security dramatically at a very competitive cost