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Validates signatures, seals and timestamps
Comfact Validation is a service providing a standardized solution to validate signed documents that are Advanced electronic Signatures (AdES), Qualified electronic signatures (QES) as well as AdES supported by a Qualified Certificate (AdES/QC). The results of the validation process produces machine-readable reports as well as human-readable validation results
Checks the validity of signatures, seals, and timestamps
Complies with EU and national regulations and best business practices
Is your gatekeeper for not accepting erroneous signatures, seals, and timestamps to avoid possible future legal issues
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The validation of signatures, seals, and timestamps is used in different ways. When using Comfact Signature, Seal, or Timestamp, one of the last step is to check with Comfact Validation. If a document to be signed already contains signatures, seals, or timestamps from another service, these are validated before signing, sealing, or timestamping.

Documents that are signed, sealed, or timestamped should be validated before they are stored and accepted in an e-archive or other application by an organization.

If incorrectly signed, sealed, or timestamped documents are accepted by an organization, severe problems could arise in the future as they can be regarded as null and void. This is why Comfact Validation is your gatekeeper for your legally important documents.


When relying on signatures, seals, or timestamps, it is important that they be valid. You want to ensure that your signature is applied correctly and as intended. When you receive a document with one or more signatures or seals, you want to ensure that these are valid before you sign, process, or archive these documents.

With Comfact Validation, signatures, seals, and timestamps are validated in order to confirm that they are correct.

If a signature, seal, or timestamp is incorrect (not valid) or it is not advanced or qualified, legal problems can arise. Therefore, signatures, seals, and timestamps should be validated before acceptance according to a set baseline. It is also possible to include specific policy requirements stating the minimum compliance.

The validation process visualised

validation diagram
how to use the validation service
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Comfact Validation can be used from applications with our API. Communication with the API is standardized according to the validation protocol defined in ETSI TS 119 442. The result of the validation process conforms to the validation report defined by ETSI TS 119 102-2. The certificates and certificate chains are validated against EU Trusted Lists (EUTL) to validate certificate validity. Comfact Validation may also seal the validation report in cases where the authenticity of the validation result needs to be legally enforceable.

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Comfact Validation provides a web interface through which private individuals may validate their documents. This uses the Comfact Validation API to provide a user-friendly way of presenting the results of the validation operation. Customers can have the option of visualizing the validation report divided into logical sections with explanations about the resulting components.

Comfact Validation can be used manually from this web page without a validation report sealed by Comfact AB


Is a warning triangle displayed next to the signature in Adobe Reader? Check out our certificate guide to resolve the issue.